
why people play games through smartphone

Portability Perhaps one of the easiest reasons mobile games are so popular is because theyre easily accessible. Practically everyone has a smartphone nowadays, so anyone from your grandma to your little cousin can download a game on his or her iPhone and start gaming right away. Even adults, who wouldnt even consider themselves gamers, are drawn in by the addictive nature of games like Words with Friends and Candy Crush. Downloading games is also pretty painless, and can be done all in a matter of seconds. When you compare that to going to the store to buy a game for your Xbox, its a no-brainer mobile games are more consumer-friendly. To add to all the happy people, mobile games are portable right out of their nonexistent box and can be enjoyed pretty much anywhere. Whether youre waiting for a bus or want to make that trip to the toilet a little more fun (trust me, people play on the can), games like Angry Birds or Hero Academy are there to the rescue. Of course, if you use yo

Smartphone Change our life

How Smartphones Change the Way We Consume Information and Communicate The way we consume information has changed from talking to each other to reading the newspaper to watching television, to gathering info on the web using a computer and now a smartphone. Today we can access any kind of information 24/7, wherever we are. That’s both, convenient and overwhelming. Same is true for communication. Our smartphone offers us several ways of communication: calls, text messaging, instant messaging, email, social media, blogs, etc. The fact that we can get any information anytime we want has quite an impact on our way of living. A recent study by Columbia University found that we are very likely to forget information which we know we can easily retrieve again. Also, when we are asked questions, we tend think about how we can find the answer on the internet rather than thinking about the actual question and answering it ourselves. Basically, we’re getting lazier, because we know that we c

Famous smartphone

1. Samsung Galaxy S8 and Galaxy S8+ Samsung has redefined its flagship handset in the Galaxy S8, offer two sizes of handset with an 18.5:9 display, losing the bezel and offering that premium dual-edge curved design. There's a long list of things that Samsung gets right in the S8: there's a pair of great camera, the battery life is good, there's waterproofing, the latest hardware and the slickest Android skin, fully-featured and pack full of useful functions. The contentious point falls on the fingerprint scanner, as the location isn't optimal, but it's not a deal breaker. The real decision might just come down to how big you want your phone to be, with that tall display meaning your phone doesn't feel huge, despite the large display. It is expensive, however. If the price is too much to bear, the then Samsung Galaxy S7 edge comes highly recommended: it offers much of the same - great curved edge display, waterproofing, good battery life and a similar f


Use of application

Social Media and Communication While not quite the most commonly used applications on smartphones, the ability to keep up with various social media sites is vital in a digitally connected age. Social media apps for Facebook and Twitter are common, as well as specialized apps for checking your email, connecting to your friends via instant message and making calls using VoIP services such as Skype and Vonage. There are also media websites, such as Google Voice, that offer Web apps--mobile versions of the website that act as apps. Games The most popular use of applications on smartphones, there's a wide range of gaming apps that you can download for your smartphone, all depending on what brand of phone you have. You can find classic games rebooted for the smartphone, word games and even games made especially for the smartphone. Entertainment and Internet You can use smartphone apps to keep on top of your favorite websites; most entertainment-geared websites offer a

negative effect of smartphone

1.Teen Tendonitis (TTT): What is the impact of mobile phones on young people’s social life? Teenagers are totally addicted to texting. Excess messaging can lead to Teen Tendonitis (TTT). It can cause pain in the hands, back and neck due to poor posture. It can also lead to impaired vision and even arthritis down the line.  2. Stress: Having a cell phone will tempt your teen to spend all day talking or texting, instead of doing anything productive. Studies have proven that teens who spend too much of their time with their cell phones are more prone to stress and fatigue. It can also lead to psychological disorders in some cases. 3. Sleep Loss:  Most of the teens keep their cell phones nearby while sleeping to respond to texts and calls. They feel pressurized to remain reachable around the clock. It leads to sleep interruption and disruption. Teens also become irritable when they are sleep deprived.  4. Accidents:  Teens are more likely to respond to calls, text while drivi

benefits from smartphone

The smartphones have changed the way we look at this world. With its advent every task has become much easier than it used to be. Besides bringing people closer, a smartphone has much more capabilities like promoting education, monitoring health, and many others. Today it has become so important in one’s life that a person keeps on monitoring his each and every task on it. The most benefited group of people getting benefit from it are the college goers. It helps them make assignments, access the internet through WiFi and navigation. Let us explore some of the benefits of a smartphone to a college A smartphone never makes a person feel lonely. It brings everyone closer. In this context, an application called Bump is the best for the college goers as it helps to keep in contact with the friends, professors and colleagues and share information with them in studies and research work. It automatically transfers contacts from one phone to other creating a web. It also gives access to the s