advantage and disadvantage

In general, Technology has made its way into higher education with the purpose of enhancing the teaching and learning experience for students and faculty as well. Some technologies have been adopted faster than other and some other have failed and never made it to colleges and universities. Among those that were quickly implemented are mobile devices. However, there are many types of mobile devices, but we specifically want to discuss the advantages and disadvantages of smartphone’s use in the classrooms by students.

 Without any doubts, the smartphone is one of the most portable devices if not the most portable one and they are built with amazing features. Its portability paired with some of its capabilities make it almost ideal to use it as a great tool in higher education. It almost has constant web browser capabilities, fast internet access, and it support many of the most popular web browsers. They are equipped with a calculator, calendar, GPS, video camera, music player, an actual operating system. The latter allows for add-on applications, which extend smartphones functionalities. Smartphones have tremendous capabilities, which make them suitable for a variety of uses and they keep getting smarter in every new version.

 In the classroom settings, smartphones offer tremendous possibilities to enhance the learning process. Smartphones are being used in Biology, Chemistry, Engineering and other fields already. Smartphones have great potentials to enhance the learning process due to their computing capabilities.

 On the other hand, smartphones pose disadvantages when allowed in higher education if specific and well-designed learning activities are not prepared. They could be a big distraction for students since they could easily be constantly checking personal emails, social networks, or navigating non-class related websites. Thus, they would not be paying attention to class content or discussions. In this sense, students become too dependent on these devices to an extent where they no longer use their thinking abilities and to answer simple questions, they grab the cell phones. Frequently texting and answering unimportant calls may also affect other students from concentrating during class time. The many capabilities of smartphones may also not be a great teaching tool since it interferes with student learning behavior.

 To conclude, smartphones are owned by the great majority of students and they offer amazing capabilities to students and teacher equally. There are many great tools at the fingertips of students to enhance the teaching and learning process, but at the same time, the very same tools could represent enormous distractions and have negative impact on students. Smartphones are great in itself, but how they are used in classrooms settings shouldbe thought and designed carefully in order to achieve positive results at all times.


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